Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt Episode 2
Mobile Fighter G Gundam, or \"G Gundam\" for short, is a series that takes place outside of the Universal Century Gundam continuity. G Gundam is the first series within the Future Century, a timeline that has evolved past the conflict of war and settles disputes with a tournament using highly advanced mobile suits. The G Gundam series follows Domon Kashu, a martial artist and ace pilot for the Neo Japan space colony who originally pilots Shining Gundam in the Anime.
Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ is the direct sequel to the previous series, Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. The series follows a new cast of characters, including some returning veterans from the original series. After the events of Zeta Gundam, the Axis Zeon reemerges from the shadows as Neo Zeon. To combat this new threat, Bright Noa recruits several young teenagers to pilot new advanced mobile suits to fill the ranks of the Earth Forces army. 59ce067264
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